Important Information & Guidelines
Arrival & Departure Times
Arrival & Departure times are based on the itinerary working out with Guest Services and your groups first and last meal.
Regardless of arrival/departure time, the accommodation check-in is 5pm and check-out is 9am.
Free secure luggage storage is provided during the overlapping time.
Before you Arrive
Divide students into these groups:
- Activities: 20
- Cabins: 6-14
- Meals: 10 per table
Please bring with you:
- Any supplies your personal program may need
- A First Aid Kit
- Signed Individual Guest Waivers (below)
Guest Waivers & Consent Forms
Upon arrival, bring all printed and signed waivers/forms to the Main Office. Guests without a signed waiver/form will not be allowed to participate in activities at Muskoka Woods.
Waiver: Use this if you are a youth group/retreat/organization or a school where the below does not apply. MOST bookings use this Waiver.
Consent Form: Use this if you are a school whose board requires you to use a Consent Form instead of the above Waiver. Check with your school board to determine which of these two options are required.

When You Arrive
Please park in the Upper Parking Lot unless otherwise instructed; Muskoka Woods staff members will greet you as you disembark and help unload the bus. Luggage will be stored in a designated area until cabins are ready for you to check in.
Accommodation check in is at 5:00pm.
During Your Stay
Dining Halls
Meals are served buffet style and the dining halls are a shared space for all guests on the resort.
Our dining halls have built-in microphone and speaker systems so you can perform any pre-meal rituals. Just ask one of our staff for assistance as you enter the dining hall.
The dining halls are closed between meal times.
Meal Times
Meals will be scheduled during the following windows based on group size and the number of groups present at the time:
Breakfast: 8:00 to 9:00am
Lunch: 12:00 to 2:00pm
Dinner: 5:30 to 7:00pm
Snack: 9:00 to 9:30pm
Medical Emergencies
Muskoka Woods will provide Band-Aids and ice. All other medical supplies and treatments are the responsibility of the guest group. Please bring a vehicle for any emergency trips to the hospital. The main office can provide directions to the nearest hospital. If you require a Muskoka Woods vehicle for a hospital trip, a vehicle usage charge will be added to your invoice. We cannot, however, guarantee that a Muskoka Woods vehicle will be available in the event of an emergency.
Office Hours & Wifi
Main Office Hours: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm.
Wifi: Is available for adults across the Resort. The wifi code is available in the main office.
Resort Guidelines
Rules for your stay at Muskoka Woods
Muskoka Woods Rules
- OUT OF BOUNDS areas are:
– Highway and Tunnel Under Highway
– Waterfront / Frozen Lake (in the Winter)
– Golf carts and resort vehicles
– Activity areas, dining halls, and meeting spaces outside of designated times
– Deep in the woods surrounding the resort
– Kitchen
– All other cabins/accommodation not associated with your booking - Muskoka Woods is a smoke-free and alcohol-free facility.
- Please obey all speed limits and traffic signs. Vehicles are not to be driven around property after check-in. Cars should be registered with the office and parked in designated parking areas throughout the duration of the trip.
- The use of drones on Muskoka Woods property is prohibited.
- Please impress upon your group members the importance of showing respect to our guests, staff, facilities and equipment. Damages due to abuse or misuse will be billed to the guest group.
- If a student is sick, do not bring them to camp. Schools/groups are responsible for the health of their students while at camp.
- Teachers/leader/VIP accommodations are shared occupancy and may include bunk-style beds. Unfortunately, Muskoka Woods cannot assign individual rooms to teachers/leaders/VIPs. Nothing is to be removed or moved between rooms/cabins (e.g. bedding, towels, blankets, appliances). If you require any bedding or towels for your students due to an emergency while on site, please contact our office and we will do our best to assist you.
- Fire safety: Muskoka Lakes Fire requires we maintain an active roster indicating where everyone on the property lives/sleeps. Therefore, all group leaders/teachers are required to provide a master list of guest names indicating which accommodation each guest is staying in. We collect this list on behalf of Muskoka Lakes Fire. Leaders are expected to retain a copy for themselves and use it in the case of an emergency to account for all their guests. Any changes to the roster require an immediate reprint. No candles are allowed at any time.
- Signs and posters are not allowed to be taped, tacked or affixed in any way to any building walls, windows or doors.
- Pets are not to be brought to Muskoka Woods. If someone requires a service animal Muskoka Woods reserves the right to request a doctor’s note.